

Our rates

Veerle charges an hourly rate of 60 euros for consultations, advice and lectures.

If, after an exploratory interview, it is decided that Veerle will train the animal over a longer period of time, the cost of the interview will be deducted from the rest of the training.

Sometimes it is sufficient for Veerle to draw up a training program that you can follow yourself with your pet. In this case, the writing of the program will be charged at an hourly rate.

The consultations always take place at your home, in the pet’s familiar environment.

How much does it cost?2022-07-03T20:27:55+00:00

Veerle uses an hourly rate of 60 euros for consultations, advice and lectures. When after the exploratory talk it is decided that Veerle will train the animal over a longer period of time, the cost of the talk will be deducted from the rest of the training. Sometimes it is sufficient that Veerle writes out a training program that you can follow yourself with your animal. In that case the writing of the program will be charged at an hourly rate.

How long does it take to solve the problem behavior?2022-07-03T20:27:41+00:00

This is different in each case. There are usually one or two home visits before a diagnosis can be made and a training plan can be established. How long that plan will take depends on the severity of the problem.

Is Veerle only active in Brussels?2022-07-03T20:26:47+00:00

No, advice, training and lectures can be given anywhere in the country, in Dutch, French or English. Outside the Brussels region, however, travel expenses are charged.

Can I get advice over the phone?2022-07-03T20:26:03+00:00

No, to make a proper diagnosis, it is necessary to see the animal in its familiar environment. After that, a follow-up telephone conversation is of course possible. Appointments about lectures can be made by phone.

Is there a dog school?2022-07-03T20:24:48+00:00

No, there is not (yet). Veerle can train your dog at home, in the garden or the park, possibly with other social dogs.

Where do the consultations take place?2022-07-03T20:32:55+00:00

Consultations always take place at your home, in the animal’s familiar environment.

Professional behavioral therapist

Together we provide a better living environment for animals and humans

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